The difference between a disagreement and abuse is fear. No one should even in a bout of anger say or do something irreversible. Words and actions cannot be taken back. You and your family have the right to a safe and secure life without violence and abuse. It is only right to ask for help if this basic right is not implemented. You do not have to handle the situation by yourself.


  • When a strong emotion takes over, you can choose what you do or do you do anything at all.
  • When angry, only few people are able to think clearly or to act in the best possible way under the circumstances. At times like this, you should calm down – even if it means leaving the room and going outdoors, for instance.
  • Abusive behaviour can be stopped. The abuser has to take responsibility for his or her actions and behaviour as the change is never the victim’s responsibility.

What is domestic violence

Domestic violence refers to violence at home, directed to any member of the family. Domestic violence includes violence and abuse between spouses or partners, violence and abuse against children by parents or against parents by children and violence between siblings.

  • Psychological abuse: intimidation, threatening, domination, isolation, controlling, name-calling, minimising, demeaning, ignoring, blaming and mind manipulation
  • Physical abuse: hitting, slapping, strangling, hair pulling, restraining, hard-handed handling, shaking, flicking
  • Sexual abuse: unwelcome sexual touching and fondling, pressuring to have sex, rape
  • Financial abuse: financial control, financial inequality, blackmailing
  • Spiritual abuse: Forms of abuse administered under the guise of religion include intimidation, pressure, forced conversion, merciless blaming, isolation from community and strict control of religion and life of the members.
  • Harassment: unwelcome contact, stalking, spying, threatening