Supporting development

A child should be encouraged to join in the planning of the things the family does at home. As the thinking capacity develops, the child can also better understand the consequences of erroneous decisions.

At school-age

  • Coordination of hand and eye improves.
  • Physical balance is stronger, a child can kick a ball, jump a rope, swim and cycle.
  • Estimating distances and understanding left and right is still not clear.
  • Understanding distance between locations is improving.
  • A child understands time and time-related concepts.
  • A child is learning to consider activities from the purposeful perspective.
  • At around seven years of age a child can understand and share other person’s feelings but is still rather selfish.
  • A 9-to-10-year-old can control his feelings better and be less selfish.
  • Friends become more important. Social skills are practised through relationships with friends.
  • Any difficult situations should be talked through step by step. That way the child learns to see different sides of a matter.
  • Relationship to adults is positive at lower grades at elementary school.
  • Towards the end of elementary school, relationship to adults becomes more complicated. A child wants to have love and care from adults but at the same time also have his privacy.
  • A child may also view adults more critically, especially if their actions and words conflict.
  • Child’s parents and family time promote his favourable development and wellbeing.

References and other links